NPI sponsored workshops provide information to participants on natural differences in psychological types. In addition, a method is presented for using this information as the foundation for the healing process.


This model is based on the premise that natural differences exist in how individuals perceive, process, prioritize and respond. Differences that are present at birth, identifiable at an early age and do not change much across time. This natural and normal manner of perceiving, processing and responding may be similar to, or quite different from that of a parent, sibling, spouse or child.

These differences were;

  • First identified on four behavior and/or process opposite dichotomies by Carl Jung in the early 1900s.
  • Provided with a means for classification with the publishing of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in 1962.
  • Connected to natural differences in temperaments by David Kiersey with the publication of Please Understand Me in 1984
  • Provided with a method for application to the therapeutic process by Mike Jackson with the publication of Natural Differences and the Healing Process in 2013.

Elizabeth Murphy, EdD, author of The Developing Child and co-creator of the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children, has provided compelling evidence that supports the existence of these natural differences. In a longitudinal study of type development across the ages, Murphy identified, at a preconscious age of development (under 9 months of age), each child’s response orientation on the four dichotomies mentioned above. Each child was then retested during childhood, during adolescence, and into his or her adult life. The temperament-driven nature Murphy identified in each child at a preconscious age of development did not change across time.

The significance of these findings cannot be overstated. If the temperament-driven nature of adults can be identified at a preconscious age of development, then

1.Nature, rather than nurture, is the key determinant of individual differences in personalities, and

2.The key impact of parents on their child does not come from a role in personality development, but rather in how the child grows up feeling about the temperament-driven nature they already have.

The carry over implication for the counseling professions is that clinicians must have a clear understanding of the core nature of their clients in order to;

  • Provide feedback that mirrors what would be natural and normal for their client to experience.
  • Monitor the potential for clinician type bias with clients that naturally differ.

NPI workshops and training provide the information necessary to do this.

For additional information contact Mike Jackson at 626-585-9146 or